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Insights from the Couch-

Mental Health At Midlife

Let's Go Deep!

Insights from the Couch, hosted by couples therapist Colette Fehr and individual therapist Laura Bowman, takes women on a deep dive into the issues you care about most at midlife: relationships, parenting, career, health, aging, personal development and more. In each episode, we’ll invite you to explore the hardest topics, the things you wonder and worry about, that we hear women saying everyday in the therapy room. From expert guests to personal stories and responding to listener emails, we’ll cover it all, sharing the best of what we’ve learned as licensed therapists and real women navigating real life. We’ll offer you guidance, insight, and support as we have the vulnerable conversations that you long for and might not be having anywhere else. Insights from the Couch is the ultimate podcast to accompany women on their journey through the most demanding stage of life. 

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We’ve been colleagues and best friends for nearly 20 years and we’re so excited to bring you the best of our professional expertise as therapists, and the wisdom we’ve gained from our lived experiences. We’re passionate about helping women activate and fulfill their greatest potential at midlife. We hope you’re energized, inspired, and emboldened to embrace this stage of life and be the best you can be!
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